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CZ Scientific Instruments Ltd

THE WORLD'S FINEST BINOCULARS There is an extravagant pleasure owning something which represents the ultimate in quality and craftsmanship . . . bearing a name which is always mentioned with pride. This is why everyone wants to own a pair of Zeiss glasses . . . they have symbolised perfection for generations. Carl Zeiss Jena first manufactured binoculars in 1894 and ever since, the words 'Zeiss Binoculars' have been synonymous with the ultimate in optical and mechanical quality.

JENOPTEM 8 x 30W The latest production techniques have enabled Zeiss to produce a relatively inexpensive binocular to the highest possible standards. The wide-angle Jenoptem 8 x SOW is proving universally popular because of its high performance and small size, and as with all Ziess models is given a lifetime guarantee.

Specification: Weight obt. SlOg. Magnification x 8. Diameter of object lens 30mm.

Diameter of exit pupil 3.75mm. Geometrical luminosity 14.06. Index for twilight capacity 240. Visual field 8.5° /50m at /,000m distance.

SEPTAREM 7 x 40 SUPER S Compact construction, exceptional image brilliance and outstanding twilight performance.

Extendable oculars for spectacle wearers giving no sacrifice of edge of field.

Specification: Weight abt. l,IOOg. Magnification x 7. Diameter of object lens 40mm.

Diameter of exit pupil 5.7mm. Geometrical luminosity 32.5, Index for twilight capacity 280. Visual field 8.5° or 150m at 1,000m distance.

7 8 6 8 7 10 15 X X X X X X X 40 Septarem Super S 30 W Jenoptem 30 Silvarem 30 Deltrintem 50 Binoctem 50 Dekarem 50 Pentekarem £75 £29 £39 £45 £69 £78 £84 0 10 19 0 10 10 10 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Prices include leather case C.Z. Scientific Instruments Limited, Zeiss England House 93-97 New Cavendish Street, London, WIA 2AR Telephone: 01-580 0495 i.