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Chanakya Jayanti, of Bombay

St. Peter Port, Guernsey - At 8.40 p.m. on 12th December, 1968, the signal station told the honorary secretary that a sick crew member aboard the tanker Chanakya Jayanti of Bombay required medical assistance.

The life-boat Euphrosyne Kendal, with a doctor and St. John Ambulance Brigade workers on board, slipped her moorings at 9.2 in a light easterly breeze with a slightsea. The life-boat came up with the tanker four miles south of Guernsey at 9.55. The sick man was taken ashore for hospital treatment, and the life-boat returned to her station at 12.10 a.m. on 13th December.sea. The life-boat came up with the tanker four miles south of Guernsey at 9.55. The sick man was taken ashore for hospital treatment, and the life-boat returned to her station at 12.10 a.m. on 13th December..