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Brookes & Gatehouse Ltd

Wherever you sail you'll find Brookes & Gatehouse instruments A full complement of Brookes and Gatehouse units comprises: HERON D.F. aerial. HOMER receiver and short-wave converter. HECTA echo sounder. HARRIER combined log and speedometer. HOUND amplifier and speed variation indicator. HENGIST/ HORSA combined wind direction indicator and anemometer. HESTIA steering indicator and off-course alarm. HADRIAN course indicator.

HELIOS radio compass.

The cockpit indicators shown are housed in one of our standard GRP consoles which are available for 7, 6, 4 or 2 indicators.

Designed and manufactured by BROOKES & GATEHOUSE LTD Bath Road, Lymington, Hants. Tel: Lymington 4252 artct a branch in tht U.S.A.: BROOKES & GATEHOUSE: INC.

154 East Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck. New York 10543.