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Margate, Kent - At 2.35 p.m. on 31st October, 1968, a flare was sighted by the honorary secretary and the coxswain about a haJf mile north east of Margate jetty. The lifeboat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) with her crew already on board was awaiting the signal to launch to participate in a film sequence. She went immediately in a strong south south westerly breeze with a moderate sea. It was shortly before low water. She came up with the tug Brett carrying a crew of two, five minutes later. The tug was taking water rapidly and was already sink-ing fast by the stern. The life-boat put a man on board and took the tug in tow to a sand bank west of Margate pier. While the tow was in progress the coxswain requested the assistance of the fire brigade to pump out the tug. On beaching the tug the life-boat returned to harbour to pick up the firemen and their equipment. They were then transferred to the tug together with a further member of the life-boat crew.

As pumping started the life-boat withdrew to carry out the film schedule close to the tug. At 4.18 the water was pumped clear and the engines restarted. The life-boat then escorted the tug to Ramsgate where she was berthed. The two life-boatmen were picked up and the life-boat left Ramsgate at 8.45, returning to her station at 9.30..