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The S.S. Agois Minas

Islay, Inner Hebrides - At 7.40 a.m.

on 8th September, 1968, the acting honorary secretary learnt that the s.s. Agois Minas of Monrovia was aground about two miles from Porthaven and a land party were going out to search. The life-boat crew assembled and stood by. At 8.23 the acting honorary secretary received a further message from the coastguard informing him that the ship was in no immediate danger and only required the assistance of a tug. Later it was decided to launch the life-boat as the ship was now holed and flooded. At 12.50 p.m. the life-boat Henry Blogg, on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a strong south easterly breeze with a rough sea. It was high water. She came up with the vessel half a mile north of Frenchmans rocks, rescued her crew of 16 and landed them at Port Askaig, returning to her station at 11.30 a.m.

on 9th September..