The Longhope Life-Boat Disaster
As we were going to press we learnt with deep regret of the loss on the night of 18th March, 1969, of the Longhope, Orkneys, life-boat T.G.B., Coxswain Daniel Kirkpatrick, three times holder of the Institution's silver medal, and seven other members of his crew. The life-boat had answered an SOS from a crippled Liberian tanker whose crew were subsequently rescued by coastguards. An inquiry is being held and full details of the disaster will appear in the June issue of THE LIFE-BOAT. A portrait of Coxswain Kirkpatrick, arranged for this issue before his death, appears on page 538; an account of his silver medal service to the trawler Ross Puma last year appeared in the December, 1968, number of THE LIFE-BOAT..