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Long-Standing Supporters of the RNLI

THIS is the third feature describing companies which have given the R.N.L.I.

valuable financial support over a number of years.

9 Colvilles Ltd., of Glasgow, which is now the Colvilles Division of the British Steel Corporation's Scottish and North West Group, was founded by David Colville as an ironworks in Motherwell 98 years ago. From that beginning has grown the iron and steel-making complex which sells its products through- out Britain and the world. Lanarkshire mills have made steel for bridges, ships, nuclear and conventional power stations, drilling rigs for North Sea gas and oil, and a host of industries on which the nation's economy depends.

The Colvilles' railmaking plant at Glengarnock, Ayrshire, has supplied the railways of the world and is at present making rails to repair a section of the Hedjas railway blown up by Lawrence of Arabia during the Great War.

On the Clyde the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth were built in Colville's steel, and now the tradition has been continued in the Queen Elizabeth II.

• The Hull Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, Ltd., established in 1892, is a trade and employers' organisation representing all trawler-owning companies at the port of Hull.

It deals with all questions affecting the interests of the fishing industry, includ- ing welfare work among fishermen, the operation of an outfitting store for the supply of fishermen's protective clothing, and recruitment and industrial relations. It also administers work people's pension schemes and benevolent trusts.

• The Prudential Assurance Company was founded in 1848, and is now the largest insurance company in the Commonwealth, with assets of over £2 million.

The company provides for practically all insurance needs.

There has been a long connection between the Prudential and the R.N.L.I., for the old Ramsgate life-boat Prudential was given by the company in 1926..