Mr. J. P. Morris, of Coventry, who is a member of the Life-boat Enthusiasts' Society, was quick to spot an inaccuracy in the caption to the photograph of the Workington life-boat which appeared on page 493 of the December, 1968, issue Of THE LIFE-BOAT.
He writes—correctly—that we were wrong to say that the life-boat was the Manchester and Salford XXIX. In fact, the life-boatman was landing from the reserve life-boat Henry Blogg which was on reserve duty at Workington at the time.
On page 476 of the same issue of the Journal a line went adrift at the foot of the page. The paragraph should have read: 'THE LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL for 1st February, 1887, in referring to the Southport disaster, stated: "We are of opinion that the loss of life was attributable to the boat never righting after she capsized, although there is evidence that she made several attempts to do so . . .".'.