Classification of Services and Lives Saved By Life-Boats
CATEGORY Services Lives Saved No. Percen- tage of Total No. Percen- tage of Total (1) Naval vessels . . 5 •4% — — (2) Foreign going merchant vessels 31 2-8% 17 3-4% (3) Home trade mer- chant vessels . . 30 2-7% 5 1-0% (4) Commercial fishing vessels . . 207 18-5% 131 26-4% (5) Powered pleasure craft . . 200 18-0% 142 28-5% (6) Sailing pleasure craft 165 14-8% 126 25-4% (7) Manually pro- pelled pleasure craft 45 4-0% 10 2-0% (8) Aircraft 34 3-0% — — (9) Hovercraft, hydrofoils or other amphibi- ous craft 1 •1% (10) Boring rigs . . 2 •2% — — (11) Conveyance of sick or injured people and/or doctors 100 9-0% 9 1-8% (12) Relief of light- vessels, etc. 6 •5% 1 •2% (13) People stranded or who have fallen off cliffs 44 3-9% 12 2'4% (14) Bathers, skin divers and water skiers, etc. 23 7-1 °/ -1 /O _ _ (15) Animals 1 •1% — — (16) Unidentified distress signals 149 13-4% — — (17) Miscellaneous, not fitting into any of the above categories 73 6-5% 44 8-9% TOTALS: 1116 100% 497 100%.