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A Motor Boat

Girvan, Ayrshire - At 4 p.m. on 5th September, 1968, the coastguard reported that a motor boat with two people on board was in difficulties in Maidens bay. Five minutes later the life-boat St. Andrew (Civil Service No. 10) slipped her moorings in a fresh south westerly breeze with a rough sea. On receipt of a radio message from Portpatrick that a boat had been sighted three miles off shore, a search was carried out from three miles west of Maidens harbour, working inshore. A small boat was seen anchored off shore and apparently empty. The life-boat carried out a further search, returned to theanchored boat, and in the bottom of her found a man and a boy who were transferred to the life-boat. The motor boat was taken in tow to the harbour, and the life-boat returned to her station at 6.20..