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Padstow Naming Ceremony

H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, deputising for his mother, the late Princes Marina, Duchess of Kent, President of the R.N.L.I., named the new Padstow life-boat James and Catherine Macfarlane, a 48-foot 6-inch Oakley, on 19th July, 1968.

The cost of the life-boat was defrayed by a gift from the late Mr. Robert F.

Macfarlane in memory of his father and mother.

The Duke of Kent, in reading his mother's speech, spoke of the silting up of Padstow harbour which made it necessary to build a new life-boat station at Trevose Head to enable the life-boat to be launched at all states of the tide. It was recalled, too, that the Macfarlane family had also given the life-boat now stationed at Aith in the Shetland Islands.

CREW THANKED Mr. J. C. F. Prideaux-Brune, president of the Padstow station branch, opened the proceedings and expressed regret that Princess Marina had been unable to attend. The two telegrams which she sent to the Padstow ladies' life- boat guild and the Padstow branch were read.

Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, handed over the life-boat to the branch.

Mr. A. G. Trembath, honorary secretary, in accepting the life-boat on their behalf, referred to the loyal service the crew had given since he became secretary five years ago.

The Assistant Bishop of Truro, the Rt. Rev. W. Q. Lash, M.A., dedicated the life-boat assisted by the Rev. B. B. Clarke, Vicar of Padstow, the Rev. W. J.

Palmer, Methodist Minister, and the Rev. Paul Rea, Roman Catholic Priest of St. Mary's Abbey..