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IRB Crew Climb Over Rocks

FRAMED letters of thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O., have been sent to Mr. C. J. Bean and and Mr. R. Swalwell, the crew of the Scarborough IRB, for their efforts when a child fell over cliffs near Scarborough on 1st June, 1968.

The Scarborough honorary secretary, Mr. D. B. Atkinson, learnt from the coastguard at 12.54 p.m. that a child had fallen over the cliffs at Gristhorpe.

The IRB was launched five minutes later and made for the position given, which was reached at 3.20. It was low water with an onshore south easterlywind, force 3, blowing on to the cliff face and causing a choppy sea.

At this point there is a heavy growth of kelp extending seawards for about 150 yards. This made it impossible to use the IRB's engine for the approach to the beach. The two members of the crew therefore lifted the engine. Mr. Bean went over the side to clear the way in while Mr. Swalwell rowed the boat towards the shore.

Mr. Bean soon found himself fighting through the kelp with water up to his chest. He fell into holes between the rocks several times, and though his head was under water more than once he managed to extricate himself to1 keep going until the boat reached the bottom of the cliffs.

When they finally reached the scene they found the child was dead. A message was then passed to the top of the cliffs that a helicopter was on the way, and they were asked to pass the body to the helicopter.

They carried the child's body clear of the cliffs, and it was then picked up by helicopter. The IRB reached her base at 3 p.m..