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Delphic Eagle, of Monrovia

At 8.45 p.m. on 13th June, 1968, the coxswain learnt that a sick man aboard the m.v. Delphic Eagle, at anchor in Bull anchorage, needed medical assistance. The life-boat City of Bradford HI, with a doctor on board, was launched at 9.20 in a moderate north easterly breeze. It was one hour after high water. The doctor was put aboard the vessel at 10 p.m. Thirty minutes later the doctor and patient were transferred to the life-boat, which took them to Grimsby, where the man was taken to hospital. Owing to low water the life-boat remained at Grimsby until 5 a.m. on 14th June and returned toher station at 6 a.m. The man's life was saved by this service..