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A Boat

Margate, Kent - At 7.32 p.m. on 22nd August, 1968, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that cries for help had been heard in the vicinity of Longnose buoy. At 7.58 the life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) was launched in light airs with a smooth sea. It wasshortly after low water. Visibility was severely restricted by fog. At 8.20 a man was found clinging to the stern of his submerged boat. He was just conscious and suffering from the effects of three hours' immersion. He was taken aboard the life-boat and treated immediately for shock and exhaustion. His submerged boat was left at anchor and recovered the following day by the Margate pilot boat. The life-boat returned to her station at 8.45, and the man was transferred to a waiting ambulance which took him to hospital.

The life-boat was rehoused at 12.45 a.m. when weather conditions had improved. The rescued man made a gift to the life-boat crew..