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The Pinnace, Pinnace

Cromer, Norfolk - At 5.27 p.m. on 2nd March, 1968, the coxswain and motor mechanic saw distress flares from a small vessel two miles north west of the life-boathouse. The lifeboat Ruby and Arthur Reed was launched at 5.35 in a light north easterly breeze and a slight sea. It was two hours after low water. On reaching the casualty, the pinnace Pinnace, it was found that she was bumping on the rocks and driving shorewards before a light north easterly breeze. A line was passed and she was towed to deeper water.

There it was found that one of her crew of two had an injured finger.

He was taken aboard the life-boat while three of the life-boat's crew went aboard the pinnace to help anchor her. The injured man was taken to Cromer for hospital treatment.

The life-boat then returned, and having put a further man aboard the pinnace, she took her in tow to Blakeney. On arrival at Blakeney it was found that a local boat was to small to take the tow. However, she acted as pilot boat to the life-boat and the pinnace was towed safely to The Pit. Owing to poor visibility and a freshening wind the coxswain decided to leave the life-boat at Blakeney overnight, returning her to her station at 10.58 on 3rd March..