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Shore Boat Service to French Trawler

A FRAMED letter of thanks, signed by the Chairman of the R.N.L.I., Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O., has been awarded to Coxswain Walter B. West, Assistant Motor Mechanic Ronald F. Twydle, and Cyril J. Barnicoat, shore signalman, of Falmouth, for a shore boat service when the French trawler Marline Jean Paul went aground.

It was at 11.35 p.m. on 4th September, 1967, that the trawler in a west wind offeree 8 to 9 was reported to be aground on Trefusis Point. Due to the position of the casualty it was decided to use the motor boarding boat as there was noimmediate danger to life. The boarding boat proceeded at 11.45 p.m. and five minutes later the trawler skipper asked the coxswain to pass a nylon warp and wire rope from the casualty's stern to a nearby mooring buoy. This was done despite 'severe conditions' and the fact that the boarding boat was shipping a lot of water.

The boarding boat stood by until the trawler floated off at 3.40 a.m. on 5th September. She again rendered assistance by securing the trawler to the mooring buoy..