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Shark Tempest

Tenby, Pembrokeshire - At 4.20 p.m.

on 12th April, 1968, a report was received that a small boat was firing flares 500 yards from Stackpool quay. The life-boat Henry Comber Brown was launched at 4.28 in a moderate easterly breeze and a choppy sea. It was one and a half hours before high water. The lifeboat came up with the motor boat Shark Tempest at 5.50. A rope had fouled her propeller. One member of her crew had gone ashore in a rubber dinghy to climb the cliffs to summon help while the other crew member remained on board. The man on shore became stranded on the cliffs and was taken oif by a punt which had been taken out by the life-boat.

The Shark Tempest was then taken in tow to Tenby and the life-boat returned to her station at ten o'clock..