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Sea Pink

Plymouth, Devon - At 4.30 p.m. on 17th April, 1968, it was learnt that a sailing dinghy had capsized close to the Longroom signal station. The life-boat Thomas Forehead and Mary Rowse slipped her moorings at 4.37 in a gusty east south easterly breeze and a rough sea. It was one hour after low water. The life-boat came up with the sailing dinghy Sea Pink shortlyafter launching. She had been swept on to the rocks and her skipper had scrambled ashore but was in danger of being swept out to sea. The lifeboat put her bow in close to the shore and a line was thrown to the man who was then taken aboard the lifeboat.

The dinghy was taken in tow to Turnchapel and the life-boat returned to her station at 6.9..