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Brookes & Gatehouse Ltd

electronic aids to navigation DEPTH—by HECTA echo-sounder, as supplied to the R.N.LI. This instrument indicates depth by pointer and scale, and illumination for night use is by virtually everlasting 'Batalite'. It has two range scales: 2-5-32 feet and 2'5-32 fathoms (Model A); 2'5-52 feet and 2-5-52 fathoms (Model B) and 0'7-9'S and 7-9'5 metres (Model C). A 2± in. or 4 in. dia.

repeater dial is available for the helmsman. This is one o. a range of compact hermetically Haled navigational instruments which comprise the HOMER and HERON radio and direction-finder, the HARRIER log/speedometer and the HENGIST and HORSA wind direction and speed indicator and HESTIA compass magnifier.

whe: 3 accuracy and reliability count: BROOKES & GATEHOUSE LTD Bath Road, Lymtngton, Hampshire. Tel: Lymington 4252/3 and a branch in the U.S.A.: BROOKES & GATEHOUSE INC., 148 Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, N.Y.I0543.