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Trawler Inquiry Findings

The inquiry into the loss of the trawler Cctsita and the subsequent drownin g of her crew of two opened at Brixham, Devon, on 22nd January, 1968.

The following witnesses gave evidence on behalf of the R.N.L.I.: Mr. F. W. H.

Park, honorary secretary, Torbay; Coxswain H. Coyde, Mechanic B. Pyke, Assistant Mechanic O. Maclnally, and Emergency Mechanic A. MacKay.

The report of the inquiry states that 'most unfortunately the correct procedure for broadcasting a May Day message was not followed'. It was pointed out that anything which could be done to stress the need for a vessel in distress to broadcast its position, however approximate, would be a useful contribution to saving life at sea.

No search for the crew of the Casita, it was stated, was instituted until it was too late to save their lives. This, the inquiry concluded, was not the fault of anybody. All those who were alerted by receiving the May Day call did their best to discover its source. In particular, it was stated, Mr. Park, honorary secretary of the Torbay life-boat, was very active in his endeavours.

The court was satisfied that if there had been any indication of the area to be searched the Torbay life-boat would have been launched. From the coastguard observation point on Berry Head visibility to the south was unfortunately restricted..