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The Parsons Engineering Co Limited

Parsons don't think it's good enough! To maintain Parsons' world-wide reputation we make sure you don't have to spend half your time, effort and money maintaining our engines and reverse gears.

Smooth-running, trouble-free efficiency—that's what separates us from the rest. And Parsons are strong for surging power, too .,. giving you everything you expect in a marine engine at the touch of a starter button. If you expect the best, that is! Dynamic new manufacturing facilities at the works of our Associate Company, British Polar Engines Ltd., in Glasgow (where personal visits are always welcome) add extra service to the Parsons range of engines. Petrol or diesel, from 20 s.h.p. up to 177 s.h.p., for pleasure or commercial craft . . . and all with 70 years of Parsons experience and skill built in, for utter reliability and power a-plenty! Write now for full details of our range to: THE PARSONS ENGINEERING CO. LIMITED, 18/20 Lakedale Road, Plumstead, London, S.E.18.

Tele: 01-854 1130/8/9 Grams: Parsengco London Telex: 897222.

MARINE ENGINES AND REVERSE GEARS Craftsman built for powerful reliability!.