Cromer, Norfolk - At 1.15 a.m. on 19th December, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that there was a sick man on board the trawler Rotha which was 10 miles north east of the Haisboro light vessel. As poor visibility due to fog would make contact difficult, the Rotha was advised to make forCromer and the life-boat would launch to meet her when she was about four miles out. The life-boat Ruby and Arthur Reed, with a doctor aboard, was launched at 3.20. It was shortly after low water. At 3.30 the trawler fired a flare which enabled the life-boat to confirm her radar course. When the life-boat came alongside the trawler was four miles east of Cromer the doctor went aboard and examined the patient.
He was found to have a strangulated hernia and was taken aboard the life-boat where he was given morphia to ease the pain. The life-boat returned to her station at 4.30, and the patient was transferred to an ambulance..