Advanced search

Cromarty and Hartlepool

The life-boat at Cromarty has been withdrawn and the conventional life-boat at Hartlepool has been replaced with a fast IRB.

These decisions follow a review undertaken by a working party of the Committee of Management of the R.N.L.I. The purpose of the review was to ensure the most efficient deployment of the rescue craft of the Institution in the light of new developments, particularly the availability of new and faster rescue vessels.

The Cromarty life-boat station was established in 1911. Cromarty launched on service 85 times and saved 32 lives. Three medals for gallantry were awarded to the station.

The date when a life-boat was stationed at Hartlepool has not been definitely established but it is known to have been before 1825. There have been a number of life-boat stations over the years. Between them Hartlepool life-boats are known to have been launched 287 times and to have saved 375 lives. Sixteen medals for gallantry have been awarded to the station..