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Torbay, Devon - At 8 p.m. on 5th November, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that two climbers were stranded at the foot of Long Quarry cliffs, Babbacombe, and could not be rescued from the shore. The life-boat Peter and Sarah Blake, on temporary duty at the station, slipped her moorings at 8.15 in a fresh to strong west north westerly breeze and a choppy sea.

The tide was flooding. The life-boat proceeded with the boarding boat in tow. On arrival off Long Quarry the life-boat was guided to the position by lights from the police cars at the top of the cliffs. As there were a number of rocks off shore the coxswain fired a flare before going in close. The two youths were seen and the boarding boat was manned and set off towards the cliffs. The two men were transferred to the lifeboat and were landed at Brixham.

The life-boat returned to her station at 10 o'clock..