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Letter. Let's Put Out More Flags

• I attended the London District Conference when the present financial problems of the R.N.L.I. were explained to the delegates. Subsequently the excerpt from the article - 'Why put out more flags ?' included in the last issue of THE LIFE-BOAT brought it home most forcibly why the financial strain on the R.N.L.I. resources has assumed such enormous proportions.

Like the correspondent quoted from Birmingham I too live a long way from the sea but the Hornsey Branch is determined to back the R.N.L.I. to the hilt in helping to switch the overdraft to the credit side of the ledger. Could I appeal to all other branches to join us in this effort ? If only we could all promote one additional fund raising event during the coming year - whether this bringsin £5 or £50 per branch collectively the results would go some way towards extinguishing the Institution's problems.

Let's all go to it so that the R.N.L.I. crews can continue their admirable efforts in saving lives around our coasts.

Jane S. Kenney, Joint Chairman, Hornsey Branch,.