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Fishing Boat Aground Off Buckie

AT 1.22 on the morning of 10th October, 1967, the honorary secretary of the Buckie life-boat station, Mr. A. J. I. Wilson, learnt from the coastguard that a fishing boat was aground on the West Muck rocks about a quarter of a mile north west of the harbour entrance. The maroons were fired five minutes later.

A west by northerly wind was blowing, estimated at that time to be force 4.

There was a moderate sea, visibility was good, and it was two hours after low water.

The life-boat Laura Moncur, one of the 47-foot Watson class, slipped her moorings at 1.35. Five minutes later she approached the casualty, which was the fishing vessel Briar Rose of Buckie. She had stranded on the north east shelf of the rocks and was heading south south east.

SEARCHLIGHT USED The life-boat's searchlight was played on to her and it was seen that she had a 45 degree list to port and was rolling and pounding heavily in the westerly swell.

Four other fishing boats were standing by, but none was able to come close enough to give effective help.The skipper of the Briar Rose then shouted that his boat was breaking up.

Coxswain George Jappy had intended to anchor and veer down on to the fishing vessel, but he now decided to go alongside at once.

The life-boat approachd the Briar Rose on a south westerly course, and Coxswain Jappy put her port bow alongside the port quarter of the fishing vessel. Two men were taken aboard the life-boat, but she was quickly swept away by the backwash off the rocks.

Coxswain Jappy made a second run in, and this time the nylon securing rope was made fast to the stem of the fishing vessel. Three of her crew were taken aboard the life-boat, which was again swept away.

By the use of the securing rope Coxwain Jappy was able to return alongside almost immediately, and the remaining three men on board the Briar Rose were rescued. At this third attempt the life-boat's fender on the port side forward was slightly damaged.

BRUISED AND SHAKEN The life-boat was brought clear of the rocks and entered Buckie harbour at 2.10. Some of the rescued men were bruised and badly shaken, but none was seriously injured. The life-boat was secured at 2.20.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum has been accorded to Coxswain George Jappy.

Certificates on vellum recording their part in the service have been issued to the other members of the crew. They are Second Coxswain J. Innes, Bowman J.

Murray, Motor Mechanic J. G. Cole, and crew members A. Slater, R. Davidson, W. Jappy and G. Smith..