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Assurity, of London

Cromer, Norfolk - At 9.3 p.m. on 29th October, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary sectreary that the master of the m.v. Assurity of London had had a heart attack andneeded to be brought ashore. The life-boat Ruby and Arthur Reed with a doctor on board was launched at 9.30 in a gentle west north westerly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one hour before low water. The lifeboat met the vessel about three miles off Cromer, and the doctor was put on board. He informed the coxswain that the sick man should be landed as soon as possible. The doctor and patient were then embarked. As the weather had deteriorated considerably, it was with great difficulty that the doctor and the sick man were landed at Cromer. Owing to the conditions the life-boat proceeded to Gorleston and was rehoused on 3rd November..