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18-Year-Old Boys In IRB Rescue

A FIRST-CLASS IRB rescue, carried out in near extreme conditions for an IRB, has earned Mr. Idris Evans, aged 23, the helmsman, and crew members Mr.

Trevor Evans and Mr. Peter Evans, both aged 18 of the New Quay, Cardiganshire, IRB the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum.

At 4.59 p.m. on 12th August, 1967, the coastguard told Coxswain David W.

Evans of the New Quay life-boat that two bathers were in difficulties and were being swept out to sea off Cwmtydu.

BOTH CREWS CALLED Shortly after five o'clock Coxswain Evans, not knowing which boat the honorary secretary would send on account of the weather conditions, fired the maroons to assemble both the life-boat and the IRB crews. As speed was essential the honorary secretary, Captain J. B. Jones, O.B.E., decided to send the IRB ahead and to back her up with the life-boat. The IRB was therefore launchedat 5.8 p.m. with the life-boat's second coxswain, Mr. Idris Evans, at the helm.

With him were two young life-boat helpers.

The wind was north west, force 6, gusting to force 7 in squalls, with a correspondingly rough sea. Visibility was good.

The IRB was kept as close in to the cliffs as the sea conditions allowed. Once round New Quay head the sea became very confused and speed had to be reduced at times to enable the IRB to ride the waves.

PEOPLE SPOTTED Cwmtydu was reached at about 5.20 p.m. and, directed by people on the cliffs, the TRB crew spotted two people in the water about 12 yards off the cliffs among the Confused seas caused by the heavy backwash from the cliffs.

The first bather seen turned out to be a woman wearing a life-belt, and a lifeline was thrown from the IRB. The woman, however, was barely able to hold on and the IRB was therefore manoeuvred closer and she was pulled aboard. The two young helpers at once started to administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on the woman. Then the second bather—the woman's husband—was picked up dead.

As beach conditions at Cwmtydu were very bad for a landing, the coxswain headed back for New Quay. The body of the man was laid across the bow and the woman was laid on the centre line of the boat in the most favourable positron to allow resuscitation to continue. Although the speed of the IRB was reduced by half, the movement of the boat and the lack of space made resuscitation difficult. Mr. Peter Evans had to use the Brooke airway while Mr. Trevor Evans held the woman's head.

About halfway back towards New Quay head the life-boat St. Albans, which was launched at 5.10 p.m. was sighted. Sea conditions were so bad that the IRB was unable to lie alongside even to transfer the body. The life-boat therefore radioed for a doctor and an ambulance to be waiting at the harbour.

Blankets were transferred to the IRB which then continued her journey to New Quay.

Resuscitation on the woman was continued until the harbour was reached at 5.40 p.m. The woman subsequently recovered..