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Two Dinghies (2)

At 10.38 p.m. on iyth August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a 999 call had been received from Skipsea reporting that two dinghies were unable to beach due to a heavy swell. After further enquiries had been made the life-boat Tillie Morrison (Sheffield II) was launched at 11.30 in a light west south westerly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was ebbing. On approaching the area the coxswain asked for the police car investigating the call to flash its headlights. A flare was fired but nothing was seen. The coxswain was then informed by R/T that the southern set of car headlights indicated the position and the life-boat proceeded one mile south and fired another flare. At 12.32 a.m. the life-boat found the two boats out of fuel anchored alongside each other. The five people on board the boats were embarked. One boat was taken in tow while the other, a small dinghy, was hauled aboard the life-boat. The life-boat returned to her station at 2.45 a.m.

on 18th August..