The German Ship Teneriffe
Shorehani Harbour, Sussex - At 4.30 p.m. on I3th August, 1967, thecoastguard informed the honorary secretary that the German ship Teneriffe wished to land a sick passenger at Shoreham, but she was too large to enter the harbour. The life-boat Dorothy and Philip Constant with the honorary medical adviser on board was launched at 4.45 in a moderate west south westerly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat met the vessel three miles south east of the harbour and the doctor was put on board. The doctor decided that the sick man should be removed to hospital as soon as possible and asked for a helicopter to carry out this operation. Owing to the difficulty of winching the patient from the vessel, both patient and doctor were transferred to the life-boat and then winched up to the helicopter. The life-boat returned to her station at 7.45 with the wife of the sick man on board..