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Susan, Olivia Mary

At 5.18 p.m. on i6th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the coxswain that a motor boat with three people on board was in need of assistance one and a half miles east north east of Foreness point. The IRB was launched at 5.22 in a fresh south westerly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one and a half hours after low water. She reached the casualty, the motor-boat Susan, and a towline was made fast. However, owing to the freshening wind, no appreciable progress was made. The IRB crew decided to slip the tow in order to contact the coastguard.The coastguard at Foreness informed the life-boat coxswain of the position and the life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. u) was launched at 6.10. The casualty was reached at 6.35 and the tow to Margate commenced. The IRB on her return passage to the station noticed that the yacht Olivia Mary had also broken down. On arrival at the station the honorary secretary was informed, and the information was passed on to the lifeboat.

The life-boat coxswain informed, the owner of the Olivia Mary that he would return to assist him. The life-boat reached harbour with the Susan in tow at 6.58 and returned immediately to help the second casualty. A member of the life-boat crew was placed on board to assist the owner to retrieve his anchor and the Olivia Mary was taken in tow.

Margate harbour was reached at 7.45.

Owing to the state of the tide it was not possible to rehouse the life-boat until 9-45-.