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Praunheim, of Bremen

Valentia, Co. Kerry - At 9.30 a.m.

on 3Oth July, 1967, a message was received from Valentia radio that there was a sick man on board the motor vessel Praunheim of Bremen, and a request had been made for the life-boat to meet the vessel at 5 o'clock off Bray Head. The life-boat Rowland Watts with a doctor on board slipped her moorings at 3 o'clock in a light westerly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat met the Praunheim six miles west of Bray Head. The patient was taken on board the life-boat and brought to Reenard quay, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital. The life-boat returned to her station at 6 o'clock..