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Ocean 7 (Wireless Transmitting Station Radio 270)

Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 4.20 p.m. on I5th July, 1967, information was received that a member of the crew of the motor vessel Ocean 7 (Wireless transmitting Station Radio 270) had collapsed and needed medical attention. The lifeboat Tillie Morrison Sheffield II, with a doctor and nurse on board, was launched at 5.4. The tide was ebbing. On arrival at the wireless station half a mile east of the South Smithic buoy the doctor, nurse and a member of the life-boat crew qualified in first aid were put aboard. However, the sick man was already being treated by a doctor.who had been taken out in the IRB, which had launched at 4.44. The sick man was transferred to the life-boat and, with the doctor and nurse, was brought to the South pier where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital. The lifeboat returned to her station at 6.50 and the IRB at 6.5.