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Flamborough, Yorkshire - At 4.50 p.m. on I5th August, 1967, the police informed the coxswain that a man was stranded in a cove about one mile north of the life-boat station. The coxswain and a police officer went to the scene where a youth at the foot of the cliffs told them he had fallen and hurt his leg. He could not swim and was cut off by the tide. The life-boat Friendly Forester was launched at 5.15 in a fresh westerly breeze and a rough sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat proceeded to the position where the coxswain realized that the heavy ground swell under the cliff would make the rescue difficult. He decided to drop anchor and veer stern first into the cove as near as possible to the cliff. A rope was thrown to the youth who tied it around himselfand jumped into the sea. He was then hauled on board the life-boat and she returned to her station at 5.45. A letter of appreciation was sent from the Institution's headquarters to the coxswain and crew for this service..