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New Organizing Secretary for Ireland

LIEUTENANT-COLONEL B. D. H. Clark, M.C., G.M., has been appointed organiz- ing secretary for Ireland. He has succeeded Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Ross, R.M. (Retd.) who has held this post since the beginning of 1952.

Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, whose home is in Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow, served in the Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) from 1939 until his recent retirement. From 1962 to 1964 he commanded the regiment's 5th bat- talion (T.A.) and was subsequently Naval and Military Attache to the British Embassy in Bucharest. Before the war he worked for a time at Lloyd's in London.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ross and his wife's many friends both in the Irish Re- public and Northern Ireland will wish them much happiness in his retirement..