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Maria Kristna

Walmer, Kent - At 4.15 p.m. on 24th June, 1967, a cabin cruiser was seen in a dangerous position four and a half miles from the South Goodwin lightvessel. This area, where there are many wrecks, is known to dry out at low water. The lifeboat Charles Cooper Henderson, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 4.25 in a light north north easterly breeze and a slight swell. The tide was ebbing. On reaching the area the life-boat found the cruiser Maria Kristna of Cardiff at anchor and fishing about 50 yards from the wreck of the Luray Victory. The coxswain advised the owner of his dangerous position and the life-boat remained near by until the cabin cruiser moved to safety. The life-boat returned to her station at 6.20..