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Jens S.

The Mumbles, Glamorganshire - At 2.42 a.m. on 3ist July, 1967, it was learnt that a vessel had fired red flares two and a hah0 miles south east of the Scarweather lightvessel. At 3 o'clock the lifeboat William Gammon - Manchester and District XXX was launched in a south westerly gale and rough sea. It was two hours after high water. On arriving at the position, the German motor vessel Jens S of Bremen was found on her beam ends with no power. Her crew had jettisoned some of her deck cargo of timber and her master requested the assistance of a tug.

As no tug was available until ro o'clock it was imperative that the vessel be towed clear of the lightvessel. A line was therefore connected to her stern and the lifeboat towed the Jens S clear, but because of the increasing wind she was settling on the sands. For five hours the life-boat managed to keep the vessel dear of the sands until she was taken over by tugs which had arrived from Swansea. The life-boat stood by until the Jens S was safely docked and then returned to her station, arriving at 3 p.m..