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IRB Launches. Rescues by IRB's in August were Carried out by the Following Stations

Rescues by IRB's in August were carried out by the following stations: NORTH WEST Moelfre, Anglesey - At 9.28 a.m. on 16th August, 1967, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a boat was in difficulties in Red Wharf bay. The IRB was launched at 9.35 in a south westerly gale and a choppy sea. The tide was ebbing. When she arrived at the scene they found the dinghy Marie Ann with her engine broken down. She was being carried out to sea. The dinghy with three people on board was taken in tow to St. David's beach. The IRB returned to her station at 11.15.

At I p.m. on 17th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a motor boat with dinghy in tow was in difficulties with engine trouble and was drifting rapidly out to sea. The I.R.B. was launched at 1.7 in a fresh west south westerly breeze and a choppy sea. The tide was ebbing. She took the motor boat, which had five people on board, and the dinghy in tow and returned to her station at 1.50.

Llandudno, Caernarvonshire - At 7.15 a.m. on loth August, 1967, a member of the life-boat crew saw a motor cruiser drifting towards the rocks at the Little Orme. It was considered possible that someone was asleep on board and the IRB was launched to investigate. There was a light south easterly breeze and a calm sea. It was one hour before low water. On closing with the cruiser, which carried a crew of three, it was found that she had engine trouble. She was taken in tow to a safe mooring in Llandudno bay and the IRB returned to her station at 8.25.

Borth, Cardiganshire - At 5.20 p.m.

on 15th August, 1967, the police in- formed the honorary secretary that a man was trapped on the rocks two miles south west of the station. The IRB was launched at 5.25 in a fresh breeze and a choppy sea. It was high water. The man was soon found and two members of the IRB crew took the anchor rope and went to the cliff top. The rope was lowered and with the help of a visitor the man was hauled up. The IRB returned to her station at 6.25 Fleetwood, Lancashire - At 4.45 p.m. on 23rd August, 1967, two members of the public informed the winchman of the Fleetwood life-boat that two swim- mers were in difficulties in the channel.

The IRB was launched at 4.50 in a light south westerly breeze and a calm sea.

It was two and a half hours after high water. One swimmer reached the shore safely and the second was rescued by the IRB which returned to her station at 5 o'clock.

IRELAND Howth, Co. Dublin - At 3.20 p.m.

on 24th August, 1967, the Baily light- house keeper informed the honorary secretary that a dinghy had capsized about a quarter of a mile from the light- house. The life-boat A.M.T. was launched at 3.32 in a fresh south easterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was high water. The IRB was launched three minutes later. The IRB reached the area first and was directed to the casualty by the lighthouse keeper. Her crew of two were taken aboard the IRB. The life-boat came up 10 minutes later and the two rescued people were transferred to her and taken to Howth. The IRB then took the dinghy in tow to Sutton.

The life-boat, having landed the dinghy's crew, set out again to confirm that the IRB was all right. She met the IRB at Red Rock and both boats then returned to their stations, the IRB arriving at 5.40, and the life-boat at 6 o'clock.

Tramore, Co. Waterford - At 5.30 p.m. on i7th August, 1967, the honorary secretary was informed that a speedboat and skin divers were overdue.

They were last seen off Newtown Head.

The IRB was launched in a moderate to fresh southerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was low water. The speedboat was found at anchor with her engine disabled.

The owner told the IRB crew that two divers were missing and the third had gone to look for them. A search was carried out, and after a while two divers were found and taken on board. After the third man had been rescued the IRB took the speedboat in tow and returned to her station at 6.15.

SCOTLAND North Berwick, East Lothian - At 3.45 p.m. on I3th August, 1967, after returning from a routine exercise, the IRB was sent to the aid of a man who had slipped into the sea while stepping ashore from a boat at the old pier at North Berwick. There was a gentle westerly breeze and a moderate sea with a heavy swell. It was low water. The I.R.B. found the man supported by the owner of the boat but he could not pull him aboard. The boat was in danger of driving on to the rocks. The crew of the IRB pulled the man aboard and brought him ashore. The IRB returned to her station at 4 o'clock.

At 6.25 p.m. on 27th August, 1967, the harbour master asked for the IRB crew to go to the assistance of two girls aboard a sailing dinghy which had run aground on the Maidens reef. The IRB was launched in a moderate easterlybreeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding. The two girls were taken on board and the dinghy was towed off the rocks and back to the beach. The IRB returned to her station at 6.55.

Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire - At 5.35 p.m. on 3rd August, 1967, a Royal Navy observer reported that a R.N.

sailing dinghy with two ratings on board had capsized off shore. The IRB was launched at 5.43 in a fresh breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding. One member of the dinghy's crew was picked up by a Royal Navy m.f.v. and a search was made for the other rating who had attempted to swim ashore. He was found two hours later in an exhausted condition three miles away down tide.

He was taken on board and the IRB returned to her station at 7.55.

Stonehaven, Kincardineshire - At 9.30 p.m. on 7th August, 1967, the coxswain was informed that a boy had fallen from the cliffs at Downie point. He immediately proceeded to the scene of the accident by road and found that the boy had fallen about 20 feet, had a broken leg, and could not be moved without the assistance of a boat. The IRB, with a doctor on board, was launched at 9.40 in a calm sea at low tide. The boy was taken to the harbour and transferred to an ambulance. The IRB returned to her station at 10.10.

NORTH EAST Whitby, Yorkshire—At 7 p.m. on 27th August, 1967, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that two men were stranded on Black Rock, one mile south of Whitby harbour. The IRB was launched at 7.9. The tide was flooding.

The IRB rescued the two men and landed them at Whitby harbour. The IRB returned to her station at 7.25.

Sunderland, Co. Durham - Follow- ing information from the coastguard that two bathers were in difficulties one and a half miles offshore from Whitburn, the IRB was launched at 2.15 p.m. on 20th August, 1967. Conditions were fair 306 and the tide was flooding. The two bathers were rescued and landed at Seaburn. The IRB returned to her station at 3.15.

SOUTH EAST Walmer, Kent - At 7.45 p.m. on I5th August, 1967, while the IRB crew were at the boathouse, a catamaran was seen to hit the marker buoy of the sewer- age outfall at Walmer. Part of the hull was stove in and the catamaran capsized, throwing her occupant into the water.

The sailing club's rescue boat went to her assistance but her engine broke down.

The IRB was launched in a gentle gusting south westerly breeze and a smooth sea.

The tide was flooding. The IRB brought in the three occupants of the rescue boat first and then returned to the assistance of the catamaran's owner. They found that he was trapped by his legs among the shrouds and rigging. Despite their efforts they could not get him clear. By this time it was getting dark and the catamaran was unmanageable and completely water- logged. It was decided to cut the yachts- man free. The IRB crew unshipped the mast and pulled the man and the mast on board. After hah0 an hour the wreck was beached among the groynes alongside the coast-guard station. The IRB returned to her station at 9.20.

Southwold, Suffolk - At 2.50 p.m. on 4th August, 1967, the coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that a small outboard dinghy appeared to be in difficulties off Dunwich. The IRB was launched 10 minutes later in a moderate westerly breeze and a choppy sea. The tide was ebbing. The casualty, which carried a crew of two, was found one mile off shore and two miles south east of the harbour. The dinghy and her crew were towed safely to Dunwich beach and the IRB returned to her station at 3-45- SOUTHERN Lyme Regis, Dorset - At 5.55 p.m.

on 5th August, 1967, the police informed the honorary secretary that two adults and two children were trapped by the tide at Gun Cliff at the east end of Lyme promenade. The IRB was launched at 5.57 in a moderate south westerly breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding.

The IRB rescued the four people who were found on a small ledge. The IRB returned to her station at 6.10 where the rescued people were cared for by the ladies' life-boat guild. In gratitude for the care shown the four made a donation to the Institution's funds.

At 2.15 p.m. on nth August, 1967, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a rowing dinghy with a boy on board was being blown out to sea. The IRB was launched at 2.19 in a strong west south westerly breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB found the dinghy, which had lost an oar, and the boy was embarked. The dinghy was taken in tow and the IRB returned to her station at 2.35. The boy's father made a donation to the Institution's funds.

At 4 p.m. on nth August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a sailing dinghy was in difficul- ties one and a quarter miles north east of the station. The IRB was launched at 4.7 in a strong south westerly breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was ebbing.

The IRB found four people on board the dinghy which had lost her rudder. They were embarked, and with the dinghy in tow the IRB returned to her station at 4.28.

At 8.20 p.m. on 24th August, 1967, the honorary secretary was informed that a man and his son on board a yacht were overdue. They had left at n a.m. and were expected back at 5 o'clock. The yacht had no navigational equipment and daylight was fading. The IRB was launched at 8.45 in a calm sea. It was low water. On the information given it was decided to make a two to three miles' sweep of the area. On the return sweep contact was made with a fishing boat which reported having seen a sailing boat answering the description of the missing yacht near the East Bay buoy.

The IRB proceeded to the buoy and then turned on a course back to her station.

The yacht was sighted one and three quarter miles off shore and she was drifting with the tide. The yacht was taken in tow to Littlestone beach, and the IRB returned to her station at 10.50.

A donation to the Institution's funds was made by the rescued crew.

Lyme Regis, Dorset - At 4.22 p.m. on 2nd August, 1967, the beach superin- tendent informed the honorary secretary that a small yacht had capsized off Char- mouth and that an adult and a child were in the water. The IRB was launched at 4.23 in a moderate west south westerly wind and a slight sea. It was high water.

She searched the area indicated and on extending the search area seaward came up with an outboard dinghy with two people aboard. Her engine was broken down. The IRB returned to her station with the two men and the dinghy in tow.

She was launched again immediately to check on the capsized yacht Sylvalan east of Charmouth. On reaching the yacht it was found that those aboard had already been rescued by a boat from Charmouth.

The IRB returned to her station at 5.18.

Margate, Kent - At 3.7 p.m. on 3rd August, 1967, the coxswain informed the honorary secretary that two girls were in difficulties on a pedalo off the Nayland rocks. The IRB was launched at 3.10 in a moderate breeze and a slight swell.

It was two hours before low water. On reaching the casualty, the mechanism of which had become entangled in the buoy ropes of some lobster pots, the two girls on board were transferred to the IRB and taken to Margate. A member of the IRB crew remained on the pedalo which was later taken in tow and beached at the Marine Terrace sands. The IRB returned to her station at 3.30.

Eastbourne, Sussex - At 2.12 p.m.

on 29th August, 1967, the police and coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that there was a capsized sailing dinghy off the pier with her crew of three in the water. The IRB was launched at 2.14 in a moderate westerly breeze anda moderate swell. The tide was flooding.

The IRB found the dinghy had been righted and was waterlogged. Her crew were clinging to her. They were helped back aboard the dinghy which was then towed ashore. The IRB returned to her station at 2.35.

Eastney, Hampshire - At 3.10 p.m.

on 6th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a sailing dinghy was in difficulties with her rigging carried away between the sewer outfalls. The experimental fast boarding and rescue boat 18-02 proceeded at 3.13 in a fresh south westerly wind and a corresponding sea. It was two hours after high water. On reaching the position it was found that the dinghy and her crew had reached the shore safely. Later the crew of two of another capsized dinghy were rescued. Finally, before the dinghy was towed in, a rubber dinghy and its crew of two who were drifting out to sea were also rescued.

Eastney, Hampshire - At 3.15 p.m.

on 3rd August, 1967, the coxswain observed the yacht Daisy in difficulties in the vicinity of Norris (Old Castle) buoy.

The boat 18-02, which was already at sea, proceeded immediately to the casu- alty. There was a strong westerly wind and a choppy sea. The tide was ebbing.

On closing with the casualty it was found that she had a split stem and that her mast was in danger of going over the side. The crew of two were transferred to 18-02 and the yacht was taken in tow to harbour.

She returned to her station at 4 o'clock.

Hastings, Sussex - The IRB was launched on ist August, 1967, and rescued a bather. A full account of this service appears on page 290.

SOUTH WEST The Mumbles, Glamorganshire - At 4.20 p.m. on 2Oth August, 1967, the motor mechanic was informed that four people were marooned on Mumbles head.

The IRB was launched at 4.30 in a gentle west north westerly breeze and a 308 slight sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB rescued the people and took them to the beach at the Mumbles. The IRB returned to her station at 5 o'clock.

The Mumbles, Glamorganshire - At 8.2 p.m. on 4th August, 1967, the IRB was launched to a motor boat in distress on the east side of Caswell bay.

The IRB was launched at 8.7 in a fresh west north westerly breeze and a moder- ate sea. It was two hours after high water.

The casualty with five people and a dog on board was taken in tow to Caswell beach. The IRB returned to her station at 9 o'clock.

St. Ives, Cornwall - At 2.8 p.m. on 6th August, 1967, the coastguard in- formed the second coxswain that a girl who had been swept away on a lilo was stranded on the rocks between Carbis bay beach and Porthminster point. The IRB was launched at 2.10 in a moderate gusting to strong southerly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB rescued the girl and returned her to her parents at Carbis Bay beach. The IRB then proceeded to a dinghy with four people on board, which was making little headway towards the beach. When the dinghy reached the beach safely the IRB returned to her station, arriving at 2.50.

At 7.50 a.m. on 8th August, 1967, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a man had fallen over the cliff at Hells Mouth, six miles north east of St.

Ives harbour. The IRB was launched at 8.15 in a fresh south, south easterly wind gusting to gale force and a moderate sea. The tide was ebbing. It was overcast and there were heavy rain squalls. The IRB found the man injured on a ledge 15 feet above the high water mark. Two members of the crew passed him down into the IRB while the third crew member kept the boat close under them. The injured man, who was suffering from exposure, was transferred to the Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child life- boat which had also launched at 8.15.

The IRB and the life-boat returned to their stations at 9.15.

At 12.42 p.m. on i6th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the acting coxswain that two girls on a paddle float had been swept away from Carbis bay beach. The IRB was launched at 12.45 m a moderate west south westerly breeze and a choppy sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB came up with the float a quarter of a mile south of Carrick Glodden point just outside the line of dangerous surf. The two girls were taken on board, and with the float in tow the IRB proceeded to Carbis bay beach. The IRB returned to her station at i o'clock.

At 6.40 p.m. on 4th August, 1967, a member of the IRB crew saw the sailing dinghy Tizzy capsize about half a mile south south east of St. Ives pier. The IRB was launched at 6.48 in a squally westerly wind and a choppy sea. It was two hours after high water. The swamped dinghy and her occupant were taken in tow to the harbour and the IRB returned to her station at 7.20.

Newquay, Cornwall - At 4.25 p.m.

on ist August, 1967, the coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that a bather was in difficulties at Gazell. The IRB was launched at 4.27 in a light south westerly breeze and a slight sea. It was two and a half hours after high water.

A member of the IRB crew went over- board to the assistance of the bather who was in an exhausted condition. He was taken on board the IRB which returned to her station at 4.34.

Aberdovey, Merionethshire - At 1.50 p.m. on 7th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that three swimmers were in difficulties at Ynyslas. The IRB was launched at 1.55 in a gentle south easterly breeze and a slight swell. The tide was ebbing. The ex-life-boat at Aberdovey was also launched with a doctor on board.

The IRB found one bather who was transferred to the ex-life-boat where resuscitation was applied. The IRB searched until 4.30 when the crew were informed that the bodies of the missing bathers had been recovered.

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset - At 8.10 p.m. on 28th August, 1967, a flare was fired from a boat off Sand point.

The IRB was launched at 8.30 in a fresh westerly breeze and a rough sea. It was one and a half hours after low water.

The motor cruiser Wanderer was found anchored to windward of Sand point.

With a freshening westerly wind and a rough sea the cruiser's owner feared that she might be swept on to the rocks. To- gether with his crew of two he was taken on board the IRB and landed at the life-boat slipway. The IRB returned to her station at 8.55.

Porthcawl, Glamorganshire - At 7.30 a.m. on 27th August, 1967, while on exercise the IRB found a dinghy off the Black rocks with six people on board.

There was a gentle north-westerly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was flooding.

The dinghy was being swept onshore and as the crew could not row they asked the IRB for assistance. Three of the people were embarked and landed on Newton beach. The dinghy with the others on board was then towed to Newton beach.

The IRB returned to her station at 8.30.

Little & Broad Haven, Pembroke- shire - At 2.31 p.m. on 9th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a rowing boat with three people on board appeared to be in difficul- ties off Nabs Head. The IRB was launched at 2.40 in a gentle east south easterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was low water. On reaching the casualty it was found that owing to a broken rowlock it was impossible for her to make headway. The boat was taken in tow and the party were landed safely at St. Bride's Haven. The IRB returned to her station at 3.30.

Life-boat 70-001 Bristol Channel - At 11.55 a-m- on 2°th August, 1967, the crew of the life-boat Charles H. Barrett (Civil Service No. 35) saw a canoe with two small boys aboard capsize about 50 yards away. The IRB carried on board the life-boat was launched at 11.57 m a light south easterly breeze and a slightsea. It was low water. The boys were rescued and the canoe was taken in tow to the shore. The IRB returned to the life-boat at 12.15.

New Quay, Cardiganshire-On i6th August, 1967, the IRB was launched to the help of bathers. A full account of this service, for which special awards were granted, appears on page 293.

See page 311 for other IRB launches.

LATE SERVICES TJie following life-boat and inshore rescue boat services should have been included in the September issue of THE LIFE-BOAT.

NORTH EAST Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 3.40 p.m. on 30th April, 1967, because of the deteriorating weather conditions, the life-boat coxswain in charge of the IRB on exercise kept a number of hired rowing boats under observation. The wind was increasing to gale force with a choppy sea. It was one hour before low water. One mile from the shore a boat appeared to be in difficulties. When the IRB reached the casualty the boat, which had a man and three children on board, was taken in tow to the harbour.

The IRB returned to her training area but shortly afterwards another boat was seen in difficulties. She closed the casualty with the three people on board and took her in tow to the harbour. The IRB again returned to her training area, and three quarters of a mile from the harbour a third boat was seen in difficulties. The boat was taken in tow with three men on board into the harbour. A general sweep of the area was carried out and after establishing there were no further boats at sea the IRB returned to her station at 5-55- SCOTLAND Longhope, Orkneys - At 7 a.m. on 13th May, 1967, a local doctor informed the honorary secretary that one of his patients needed to be taken to hospital at Kirkwall. The life-boat T.G.B. was launched at 8 o'clock in a north easterly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was flooding. The patient was embarked an hour later and taken to Scapa pier, arriving at 10.25, where he was trans- ferred to a waiting ambulance. The life- boat returned to her station at 12.30 p.m.

On 26th March and jth April, 1967, the Inner Islay, Hebrides, life-boat was called out and these services should have been included on pages 182 and 192 respectively of the September issue of THE LIFE-BOAT..