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Walmer, Kent - At 3.55 p.m. on 23rd July, 1967, the coastguard informed thehonorary secretary that fire had broken out on board the cabin cruiser Ideaal which was one mile south east of the South Goodwin lightship. The life-boat Charles Dibden (Civil Service No. 32) was launched at 4.6 in a moderate northerly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was ebbing. Three members of the life-boat crew boarded the Ideaal and tackled the fire. The life-boat men found the owner had collapsed in the engine room. They brought him up on deck, and the lifeboat's emergency mechanic went below to tackle the blaze until driven out by fumes.

The three men then damped down the smouldering engine room and sealed off both engine rooms. The Ideaal with five people on board was taken in tow and berthed at Ramsgate. The life-boat returned to her station at 10 o'clock..