Advanced search

H.M.S. Birdham

At 2.52 p.m. on 23rd June, 1967, a message was received that a naval vessel was on fire off the Cock of Arran. An amended position of the casualty was given as between Skipness Point and Lochranza. The life-boat City of Glasgow II slipped her moorings at 3.7 in a light south westerly breeze and a smooth sea.

The tide was ebbing. It was arranged that the life-boat should call at Lochranza to embark firemen and their equipment and proceed to the casualty, H.M.S. Birdham.

In the meantime a helicopter had been sent with breathing apparatus and foam.

The life-boat put the fire chief on board H.M.S. Birdham and after inspection he confirmed that it could be safely towed to the Clyde by the tug Labrador. The life-boat took the firemen and equipment back to Lochranza and returned to her station at 9.30..