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Highland Laddie

Dungeness, Kent - At 11.30 a.m. on 12th July, 1967, news was received that the cabin cruiser Highland Laddie was aground off Lade. The life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 11.50 in a fresh north easterly breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat proceeded to the position given, but as she could not close the casualty a line was fired and the tow rope passed to her. The cruiser was pulled clear and towed towards Rye. When off Jury's Gap a message was received that the cruiser could not be brought in. After consultation it was decided to hand over the tow to the life-boat Mabel E. Holland which was on passage from Dungeness to Newhaven.

This was done after one member of the crew of the Charles Cooper Henderson had been transferred to the Mabel E. Holland.

The life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson returned to station at 5 o'clock, while the life-boat Mabel E. Holland towed the cabin cruiser to Newhaven..