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Henri Altazin

Humber, Yorkshire - At 3.45 p.m.

on 2nd June, 1967, it was reported that there was a sick man on board the French trawler Henri Altazin. The trawler was due to arrive at the Spurn lightvessel at 2 a.m. on 3rd June. The life-boat City of Bradford HI was launched at 12.3 a.m.

in a light south by easterly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was flooding. There was a dense fog and visibility was down to 50 yards. The life-boat proceeded to the Bull lightvessel and awaited the exact position and time of arrival of the Henri Altazin. Contact was made at 1.45 andthe sick man was embarked. The lifeboat then proceeded to Grimsby where the man was landed at 3.20. Due to low water and poor visibility it was not possible for the life-boat to be rehoused.

The life-boat finally sailed for her station at 11.30 a.m. and was rehoused at2p.m.