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Dolphin, Alex S. Sorbas

Falmouth, Cornwall - At 5.3 p.m. on 7th July, 1967, it was learnt that the sailing dinghy Dolphin was missing on passage from Port Navas to Restronquet.

The life-boat Constance and Crawford Conybeare, which had launched earlier on exercise, was diverted to the Port Navas area immediately. There was a strong south south westerly wind and a moderate sea. It was two hours before high water. At 5.17 the dinghy with a crew of two was found off Helford entrance. The crew had experienced difficulty in locating the harbour entrance. While leading the Dolphin into the harbour the life-boat was hailed by the German yacht Alex S.

Sorbas in similar difficulty. Having escorted both vessels to safety the lifeboat returned to her moorings at 6.12..