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Howth, Co. Dublin - At 10.30 p.m.

on 25th July, 1967, a message was received that a i7-foot cabin cruiser which had been taken from her moorings during theprevious night had been sighted with a youth on board three miles east of the Kish lighthouse. The life-boat A.M.T.

slipped her moorings at II p.m. in a gentle south westerly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat carried out an extensive search throughout the night without sighting the boat.

At first light it was decided to ask for helicopter assistance. At 7.20 a.m. the helicopter sighted the cabin cruiser Cygnus six miles north east of the Kish lighthouse. A crew member was lowered and the youth taken on board the helicopter.

The life-boat took the cabin cruiser in tow and returned to her station at 9.30 a.m. on 26th July. The youth's father reimbursed the Institution's expenses in respect of this service..