Advanced search

Cheryl II

St. Helier, Jersey - at 10.20 p.m. on nth August, 1967, the honorary secretary was informed that a fishing boat, with one man on board, was overdue. The lifeboat Elizabeth Rippon slipped her moorings at 10.45 in a strong west south westerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was high water. The motor vessels Duchess of Normandy and the Duke of Normandy also took part in the search. At 5.30 a.m.

on 12th August air control diverted the aircraft carrying newspapers to take part in the search. The aircraft spotted the fishing boat and directed the life-boat to her position about one and a half miles south of the Ecrehous reef. At 6 o'clock the fishing boat Cheryl II was found by the life-boat with her engine broken down. No anchor was carried by the boat.

She was taken in tow to Bonne Nuit bay and the life-boat returned to her station at 9.15..