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Chairman's Message

You receive THE LIFE-BOAT regularly because of your close personal association with the life-boat service. May I now ask t for your help or, should I say, further help? If every reader at this time of year were to find five new 3 subscribers, each to give £i, many of our financial problems 3 would be solved. s? I realize that many of you are continually trying to do just & this, but to all the others I would say: 'Will you please try too?' & All such contributions will be credited to your local branch, but the money should be sent directly to the editor of THE LIFE- BOAT, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. In a later number we shall report on the results of this special effort. If you would prefer to ask your friends to sign a deed of * covenant the editor will be delighted to supply you with the * necessary forms. The advantage of this arrangement is that the Institution is able to recover income tax paid and each * contribution therefore becomes more valuable. * In making this appeal I send you my very best wishes, and J my thanks and congratulations on your achievements in £ the past year. A very happy New Year to all of you. 3 f.

Captain, R.H., Chairman R.W.L.I..