Advanced search

A R.A.F. Helicopter (1)

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, and Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk - At 8 p.m. on 22nd June, 1967, it was learned that a R.A.F. helicopter had crashed about half a mile south of the life-boat station. The life-boat The Royal Thames was launched at 8.5 in a moderate to fresh south westerly breeze and a moderate sea.

The tide was flooding. The coxswain of the Gt. Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat was informed at 8.6 and the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 8.50. The Gt. Yarmouth and Gorleston IRB was launched at 8.10. On reaching the area the Caister life-boat crew were informed that a fishing boat had recovered the body of one of the three men on board the helicopter. The body was transferred to the Caister life-boat and she then continued to search for the missing men.

Various items of equipment were recovered by the Caister life-boat and Gt.

Yarmouth and Gorleston IRB, but no trace was found of the two missing men.

The Caister life-boat returned to her station at 9.25. The Gt. Yarmouth and Gorleston life-boat returned to her station at 10.15 and the IRB at 9.30. The tractor at Caister was used on 23rd June to assist with the recovery of the wreckage.

A letter of sympathy was sent from the Institution to the R.A.F. base at Coltishall and letters of thanks for the services rendered were received by the Institution from R.A.F. Coltishall and H.Q., No. 18 Group R.A.F. at Pitreavie Castle..