A Motor Boat (1)
Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin - At 12.20 a.m. on I5th June, 1967, a report was received that shouts for help were coming from the sea off Sandycover Point. The life-boat John F. Kennedy slipped her moorings at 12.35 m a calm sea. The tide was flooding. On reaching the position indicated the life-boat made an extensive search using radar, searchlight and flares. Two members of the crew of three of a small motor boat which had capsized had already been rescued by another boat. The life-boat recovered some wreckage but could find no trace ofthe missing person. The search was called off at 3.25 when the station honorary medical adviser confirmed that a further search for the missing man, who was a non-swimmer and had no life-jacket, would be fruitless. In the meantime the Naval Rescue Co-ordinating Centre had requested the assistance of the life-boat to investigate flares sighted east of Bray Head. Contact was made with the Wicklow life-boat which had also been launched. It was arranged that the Wicklow life-boat should search east of Codling lightvessel while the Dun Laoghaire life-boat searched to shoreward. At 4.50 information was received that the R.A.F. had been dropping flares near the lightvessel and the life-boat was recalled.
She returned to her moorings at 7.15..