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A Dinghy (14)

St. David's Pembrokeshire - At 5.35 p.m. on 24th August, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a man who was standing on a rock near South Bishop lighthouse was signalling for assistance. There was sailing dinghy in the vicinity. The lifeboat Joseph Soar (Civil Service No. 34) was launched at 5.49. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat found that one of the crew of two had jumped on to the rock to signal for assistance when the dinghy had been caught between two tidal streams. The people were rescued and their boat taken in tow. After being taken on board the life-boat they were given hot drinks and wrapped in blankets. The sailing dinghy was taken in tow to Whitesands bay where her crew were put back on board to sail her ashore. The life-boat stood by until they had safely reached the shore and returned to her station at 7 o'clock..