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A Dinghy (10)

Wick, Caithness-shire - At 9.50 p.m.

on 24th July, 1967, it was learnt that an explosion and flares had been seen eight miles east of Brora. The life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched at 10.10 in a moderate south westerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was two hours after low water. The life-boat searched for three hours but found nothing. At 6 a.m., on 25th July, while the life-boat was returning to Wick, the coastguard reported that a small dinghy was adrift half a mile east of Helman head. The life-boat found the dinghy with no one on board and took her in tow to Wick. She returned to her station at 7.20 a.m..